Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience
The Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPE) in community and institutional pharmacy settings begin early in the professional curriculum and are interfaced with didactic course instruction that provides an introduction to the profession of pharmacy. The IPPEs progressively increase your knowledge base, and prepare you for the advanced pharmacy practice experiences.
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience
The Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) take place in the fourth professional year and involve six, 6-week full-time experiences in a variety of pharmacy practice settings that are involved with direct patient care.
The required experiences include community, hospital, ambulatory care, and inpatient/acute care general medicine pharmacy among patients of all ages, and involve collaboration with other health care professionals. Electives may include, but are not limited to, drug information, long-term care, research, compounding and the pharmacy industry.
Experiential pharmacy education at this level is conducted under direct pharmacist-preceptor supervision and monitoring.
Number of rotation sites
of clinical rotations are
completed with 色香视频 faculty
of our Pharm.D. program is experiential education
Faculty and Professional Staff

Professional Staff