Medical Biology – Accelerated Dental Track 3 + 4 (B.S. to D.M.D.)

Complete a Bachelor of Science and a Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) degree in only seven years.

Start Practicing Dental Medicine Sooner

Are you passionate about oral health care, committed to the difference you can make, and excited about becoming a dentist? In the Medical Biology — Accelerated Dental Track 3 + 4 (B.S. to D.M.D.) at the ɫƵin Maine, you can achieve your dream in less time than ever.

Qualified students can complete both a Bachelor of Science degree and a Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) degree in seven years. Your curriculum is tailored to meet all academic requirements for admission into ɫƵ’s dental school.

Our graduates are skilled, professional, and socially responsible oral health care providers who are committed to providing compassionate, person-centered care to diverse patient populations. With a D.M.D. degree from the ɫƵ College of Dental Medicine, you’ll be equipped to improve the oral health, overall health, and quality of life of the people in your community.

A student practices listening to the heart sounds of a fellow student using a stethoscope

Medical Biology (B.S.)

In this accelerated pathway, you’ll study for three years on ɫƵ’s coastal Biddeford campus with your undergraduate Medical Biology cohort. In year four, you’ll begin earning credits towards your Doctorate of Dental Medicine.

As you chart your way to dental school, ɫƵ’s Medical Biology degree program prepares you to succeed in dental school by helping you complete important prerequisites and gain relevant hands-on experience.

ɫƵ also offers a traditional four-year Medical Biology major, allowing you to complete your undergraduate degree in four years while fulfilling dental school prerequisites.

A C D M student looks at a patient's teeth while a professor reviews

Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.)

ɫƵ’s Doctor of Dental Medicine program has a curriculum that is grounded in the latest principles of evidence-based dentistry — taught in a variety of engaging methods — to prepare you for a successful career.

As a student in the Doctor of Dental Medicine program, you’ll focus on dental public health and improving the health of Northern New England as well as rural and underserved areas.

Your education is primarily delivered in ɫƵ’s Oral Health Center (OHC), which is equipped with state-of-the-art clinical and simulation equipment.

Explore ɫƵ’s Doctorate of Dental Medicine

Why ɫƵ for Your Medical Biology – Accelerated Dental Track 3 + 4

You will work side-by-side with faculty and graduate students in our medical, dental, and pharmacy schools as well as our many graduate health programs — just one of the benefits of attending a comprehensive health professions university.

  • Study at Maine’s leading health professions and health sciences university
  • ɫƵ students are more likely to be interviewed and get accepted to ɫƵ’s most competitive professional programs
  • ɫƵ is ranked #1 in Maine for graduates getting a job — Zippia
  • Join a welcoming community of people who are as passionate about health care as you are
  • Complete prerequisite courses as a pre-dental student
  • Early exposure to interdisciplinary, team-based care working with students from medicine and physician assistant
  • Work on cutting-edge research alongside faculty

Unique features of ɫƵ’s D.M.D. program include: 

  • Immediate development of hands-on clinical skills using state-of-the-art instruments and simulation equipment
  • Early direct patient care experiences in our public clinic — helping people in your community while you earn your degree
  • A strong emphasis on the integration of biomedical, dental, and behavioral sciences content
  • Team-based learning that enhances your ability to work collaboratively with other members of the dental practice
  • The opportunity to learn alongside students in other health professions programs, including future doctors, dental hygienists, physician assistants, and more
  • Live and study in Portland, Maine — consistently ranked on national “Best Places to Live” lists

Apply Early – Graduate as a Doctor of Dental Medicine

If you are an aspiring dental student intending to pursue ɫƵ’s Medical Biology – Accelerated Dental Track 3 + 4 (B.S. to D.M.D.), you are encouraged to apply to ɫƵ by the Early Action deadline of November 15. Selected candidates must submit supplemental essays to the College of Dental Medicine Admissions Committee chair before interviewing with faculty and professional staff in February or March of their senior year of high school.

During these interviews, candidates are evaluated on multiple factors, including academic preparedness, leadership abilities, career aspirations, personal characteristics, and communication skills. Based on the application materials and interview performance, the CDM Admissions Committee will conditionally accept qualified students into the D.M.D. program, provided they meet all academic and application requirements.

A U N E student adds liquid to a spot plate in a research lab
Two dental medicine students in blue scrubs check a childt's teeth in the Oral Health Center

What Will You Study? D.M.D. and Med Bio Curriculum Overview

The Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) program is a four-year professional degree combining hands-on clinical training with integrated biomedical, dental, and behavioral science content. Students begin dental simulation in their first semester and progress to comprehensive patient care. The curriculum emphasizes evidence-based practice, business management, public health, and service-learning experiences. Fourth-year students complete clinical rotations at community sites across New England. Graduates emerge as ethical, competent providers committed to improving oral health in their communities.

Medical Biology (Medical Sciences) Curriculum

CAS Core RequirementsCredits
Total Credits42
Program Required CoursesCredits
BIO 105/105L – Biology I: Ecology/Evolution w/LabCredits Fulfilled by Core Requirements
BIO 106/106L – Biology II: Cellular/Molecular w/Lab4
BIO 214/214L – Genetics w/Lab4
BIO 245/245L – Gen Prin of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology I w/Lab4
BIO 345/345L – Gen Prin of Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathophysiology II w/Lab5
BIO 370 – Cell and Molecular Biology3
CHE 110/110L – General Chemistry I w/Lab or CHE 150/150L – University General Chemistry I w/Lab4
CHE 111/111L – General Chemistry II w/Lab or CHE 151/151L – University General Chemistry II w/Lab4
CHE 210/210L/210S – Organic Chemistry I w/Lab and LabLecture or CHE 250/250L/250S – University Organic Chemistry I w/Lab and LabLecture5
CHE 211/211L/211S – Organic Chemistry II w/Lab and LabLecture or CHE 251/251L/251S – University Organic Chemistry II w/Lab and LabLecture5
CHE 310/310L – Fundamentals of Biochemistry w/Lab4
MAT 150 – Statistics for Life SciencesCredits Fulfilled by Core Requirements
MAT 190 – Calculus I4
PHY 110 – Physics I or PHY 210 – University Physics I4
PHY 111 – Physics II or PHY 211 – University Physics II4
BIO 200-level or higher elective*3–4
BIO 400-level or higher capstone course**3–4
Total Credits60–62
Open Elective Courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)Variable
Minimum Total Required Credits120

*Not satisfied by BIO 210, BIO 295 or Internship/Research/Speaker Series
**Not satisfied by BIO 410, BIO 495 or Internship/Research courses

Dental Medicine Curriculum

Program Required Courses*Credits
DMD 5101 – Foundations of Biomedical Sciences6
DMD 5141 – Clinical Dentistry 110
DMD 5155 – Foundations of Patient Care 18
DMD 5165 – Introduction to Dental Sciences6
DMD 5170 – Principles of Epidemiology2
DMD 5195 – Professional Development 11
DMD 5201 – Biomedical Systems 16
DMD 5241 – Clinical Dentistry 210
DMD 5265 – Foundations of Patient Care 212
DMD 5285 – Principles of Public Health2
DMD 5295 – Professional Development 21
DMD 6100 – Prosthodontics 18
DMD 6101 – Biomedical Systems 23
DMD 6160 – Clinical Dentistry 312
DMD 6165 – Foundations of Patient Care 312
DMD 6190 – Patient Care 14
DMD 6195 – Professional Development 31
DMD 6200 – Prosthodontics 28
DMD 6201 – Biomedical Systems 34
DMD 6260 – Clinical Dentistry 48
DMD 6265 – Foundations of Patient Care 47
DMD 6285 – Patient Care 24
DMD 6295 – Professional Development 41
DMD 6300 – Prosthodontics 38
DMD 6302 – Biomedical Systems 42
DMD 6340 – Clinical Dentistry 58
DMD 6375 – Social and Behavioral Health4
DMD 6389 – Patient Care 316
DMD 6395 – Professional Development 51
DMD 7110 – Professional Development 61
DMD 7125 – Orthodontics3
DMD 7130 – Patient Care 436
DMD 7210 – Professional Development 71
DMD 7230 – Patient Care 536
DMD 725x – Elective Seminar2
DMD 7310 – Professional Development 81
DMD 7330 – Patient Care 636
DMD 735x – Elective Seminar2
DMD 8100 – Patient Care 739
DMD 8110 – Professional Development 91
DMD 8200 – Patient Care 839
DMD 8210 – Professional Development 101
DMD 8300 – Patient Care 939
DMD 8310 – Professional Development 111
Minimum Total Required Credits413

*The purpose of the catalog is to provide a comprehensive list of required courses. The College of Dental Medicine can provide a degree map listing which courses should be taken in each stage of this timeline.

The D.M.D. curriculum is Pass/Fail. Students must earn a Pass for every course to earn the D.M.D. degree.

Dental Medicine Academic and Technical Standards

Academic Program Standards

Complete confidence in the honor and integrity of the health professions student and health care professional is essential. Such confidence depends entirely on the exemplary behavior of the individual health care provider in their relations with patients, faculty, and colleagues. Strict honesty as a personal way of life should be nurtured during the period of education for professional service. The dental student shall conduct all aspects of their life with honor and integrity. This includes accountability to oneself and to relationships with fellow students, future colleagues, faculty, and patients who come under the student’s care or contribute to their training and growth, as well as members of the general public. This applies to personal conduct that reflects on the student’s honesty and integrity in both academic and non-academic settings, whether or not involving a University-sponsored activity. Upon accepting admission to the University, each student subscribes to and pledges complete observance to the University Conduct Policies as outlined in the ɫƵStudent Handbook program. A violation of these standards is an abuse of the trust placed in every student and could lead to suspension or dismissal.

Technical Standards

Abilities and Skills

Candidates for the Doctor of Dental Medicine program must have the intellectual, emotional, and physical abilities, with or without accommodations, to acquire the knowledge, technical, and clinical skills needed to successfully complete the curriculum in order to pursue a career in dentistry. The essential academic standards presented in this document are pre-requisite for matriculation, subsequent promotion from year to year, and ultimately graduation from the ɫƵCollege of Dental Medicine. These standards pertain to all matriculated students. All required courses in the curriculum are necessary in order to develop essential skills required to become a competent Dentist.

Students, including students with disabilities, must have the capacity to manage their lives and anticipate their own needs. Students must be able to demonstrate the following abilities and skills with or without reasonable accommodation(s):


A student must be able to observe a patient accurately, at a distance and close up, interpreting non-verbal communications while performing dental operations or administering medications. A student must be able to perform dental examinations and treatments that require the use of sight and touch. A student must be able to see fine detail, focus at a variety of distances, and discern differences and variations in color, shape, and texture that are necessary to differentiate normal and abnormal soft and hard tissues. A student must be able to use tactile senses to diagnose directly by palpation and indirectly by sensations transmitted through instruments. A student must also possess the visual acuity to read charts, records, radiographs, small print, and handwritten notation.


A student must be able to: communicate effectively and sensitively with patients; convey and exchange information at a level allowing development of a health history; identify problems; explain alternative solutions; and give directions during treatment and post-treatment. A student must be able to communicate effectively and efficiently with all members of the healthcare team. A student must have sufficient facility with English to: retrieve information from texts and lectures and communicate concepts on written exams and patient charts; elicit patient backgrounds; describe patient changes in moods, activity, and posture; and coordinate patient care with all members of the health care team. A student must be able to communicate in lay language so that patients and their families can understand the patient’s conditions and, thereby, be more likely to comply with treatment and preventative regimes.

Motor, Strength, and Mobility

A student must possess sufficient motor functioning to execute movements essential to providing oral health care to patients. A student must possess the motor skills to perform palpation, auscultation, and other diagnostic maneuvers; basic laboratory tests; and diagnostic and restorative procedures. Such actions require coordination of gross and fine muscular movements, equilibrium, and functional uses of the senses of touch and vision. A student must be able to perform basic life support including CPR, to transfer and position patients with disabilities, to physically restrain themselves around the patient and chair in a sitting or standing position. A student must promote and support the ability of coworkers to perform prompt care. A student must be able to operate controls, use high-speed or low-speed dental handpieces for tooth preparation, and use hand instrumentation including scalpels for surgical procedures. A student must be able to maintain strength and posture and to reach and manipulate equipment to all positions in order to control the operating environment.


A student must be able to acquire a predetermined level of required information through demonstrations and experiences in basic and dental science courses. Such information includes, but is not limited to, information conveyed through: a) physiologic and pharmacologic demonstrations, b) microscopic images of microorganisms and tissues in normal and pathologic states; and c) demonstration of techniques using dental models. A student must be able to acquire information from written documents, and to evaluate information presented as images from paper, films, slides, or video. A student must be able to benefit from electronic and other instrumentation that enhances visual, auditory, and somatic sensations needed for examination or treatment.


A student must be able to measure, calculate, reason, analyze, integrate, and synthesize. A student must be able to comprehend three (3)-dimensional relationships and understand the spatial relationships of structures. Problem solving requires all of these intellectual abilities. A student must be able to perform these problem-solving skills in a timely manner.

Behavioral and Social

A student must possess the emotional health required for full use of their intellectual skills, the exercise of good judgment, the prompt completion of all responsibilities attendant to the diagnosis and care of patients, and the development of mature, sensitive, and effective relationships with patients. A student must be able to endure physically-taxing workloads and to function effectively under stress. They must be able to adapt to changing environments, display flexibility, and learn to function in the face of uncertainties inherent in the clinical problems of patients. Compassion, integrity, concern for others, interpersonal skills, interests, and motivations are all personal qualities that will be assessed during the admissions and educational processes. A student must be able to manage apprehensive patients with a range of moods and behaviors in a tactful, congenial, personal manner so as not to alienate or antagonize them. A student must be able to interrelate among colleagues, staff, and patients with honesty, integrity, respect, and nondiscrimination.


Graduates of the D.M.D. program must have the knowledge and skills to function in a broad variety of clinical, administrative, and leadership situations and to render a wide spectrum of patient care.

The ɫƵCollege of Dental Medicine acknowledges and complies with Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 1990, as amended, and requires minimum technical standards be present in students accepted into the Doctor of Dental Medicine program. The college will engage in an interactive process with applicants with disabilities, but the College reserves the right not to matriculate any applicant who cannot meet the technical standards set forth in this section, with reasonable accommodations.

Reasonable accommodation for persons with documented disabilities will be considered on an individual basis, but a student in the Doctor of Dental Medicine program must be able to perform in an independent manner. Every applicant is considered without regard to disability. Once accepted, students must complete all elements of the curriculum with or without reasonable accommodations. In the case of a documented disability, the College must be fully satisfied that the applicant can make progress throughout the curriculum.

Throughout the D.M.D. program, a student will be expected to maintain the technical standards and demonstrate them through their coursework, interaction with peers and faculty, and in their professional experiences. Students who fail to demonstrate the technical standards while in the program will be evaluated and appropriate action (e.g., remediation, counseling, or dismissal) will be taken. Because this expectation is separate from the academic achievement, simply maintaining a passing grade is not sufficient. Additionally, individuals who would constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of others are not considered suitable candidates for continued matriculation.

Applicants are not required to disclose the nature of their disability(ies), if any, to the Admissions Committee. However, any applicant with questions about these technical standards is strongly encouraged to discuss their specific issues(s) with the Student Access Center prior to the interview process. If appropriate, and only upon the request of the applicant, reasonable accommodations will be provided.

When a letter of acceptance to the D.M.D. program is emailed, a web link to the technical standards for completion of the curriculum will be included. Academic and technical standards are also included in the CDM Student Handbook, and students sign a document acknowledging receipt of the Student Handbook during first-year orientation. The provision of or request for an accommodation for a disability is always voluntary for the student. An applicant should be able to evaluate themselves for compliance with these technical standards. In the event that accommodation is requested, the student must submit documentation of disability with the proposed accommodation from a certified specialist to ɫƵ’s Student Access Center. A continuing student who develops a disability should request accommodations based on the limitations of the disability through the Student Access Center. Individuals unable to meet the technical standards for the D.M.D. program may be unable to progress and/or complete the D.M.D. program.

The College’s Admissions Committee will consider the applicant based on the criteria for admission of all applicants. An applicant who discloses a disability and requests accommodation in the admission process may be required to submit, in writing, the request for accommodation and pertinent supporting documentation. The pertinent information may include a history of accommodations granted previously in other education programs. Request for accommodation may be initiated with ɫƵ’s Student Access Center.

For more information on disabilities and accommodations, please contact the ɫƵ Student Access Center.

Competency Statements

(Adopted from the American Dental Association “Competencies for the New General Dentist”)

The general dentist is the primary oral health care provider supported by dental specialists, allied dental professionals, and other health care providers. The practice of general dentistry requires a dentist to incorporate understanding, skills, and values in an integrated response to clinical and other professional situations. The competency statements describe the performance of ɫƵ College of Dental Medicine graduates as they enter practice settings rather than that of students in individual courses.

Doctor of Dental Medicine Facilities

As a student at ɫƵ’s College of Dental Medicine, you will be immersed in hands-on learning from day one. You’ll have access to state-of-the-art technology and equipment in the OHC and around campus.

Oral Health Center

The Oral Health Center is the clinical home of ɫƵ’s Dental Medicine teaching clinic and simulation facility. There are about 17,000 patient visits in the OHC annually. As a dental student, you deliver patient care under the supervision of clinical faculty and staff in a team-oriented approach to meet the health care needs of patients. The OHC also serves as a space for you to engage in interprofessional education opportunities with osteopathic medicine and physician assistant students.

Interprofessional Simulation and Innovation Center

As a ɫƵ Dental student, you utilize the Interprofessional Simulation and Innovation Center (ISIC) to apply knowledge from the classroom to clinical situations. Guided by skilled instructors, you participate in simulations to enhance your clinical aptitudes. 

Tour the ɫƵ Oral Health Center

Emergency Medical Training in the ISIC

Dental Medicine: Team-Based Learning

When students from different health professions disciplines learn with, from, and about each other to better understand different professional roles and expertise, great things can happen. In ɫƵ’s D.M.D. program, you’ll study alongside students from other programs, including the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and Master of Science in Physician Assistant program, gaining the skills to collaborate in today’s team-based care. ɫƵ is the only institution in New England that is part of the National Center for Interprofessional Education and Practice’s prestigious Innovation Network.

You also have the opportunity to apply this collaborative participation toward your Interprofessional Honors Distinction.


Professional Accreditation

The program in dental education is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation and has been granted the accreditation status of "approval without reporting requirements." The Commission is a specialized accrediting body recognized by the United States Department of Education. The Commission on Dental Accreditation can be contacted at (312) 440-4653 or at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611. The Commission’s web address is

CODA Accreditation Standards for Predoctoral Dental Education Programs

The Commission on Dental Accreditation will review complaints that relate to a program’s compliance with the accreditation standards. The Commission is interested in the sustained quality and continued improvement of dental and dental-related education programs but does not intervene on behalf of individuals or act as a court of appeal for treatment received by patients or individuals in matters of admission, appointment, promotion or dismissal of faculty, staff or students.

A copy of the appropriate accreditation standards and/or the Commission’s policy and procedure for submission of complaints may be obtained by contacting the Commission on Dental Accreditation at 211 East Chicago Avenue, Suite 1900, Chicago, IL 60611-2678 or by calling 1 (800) 621-8099 extension 4653. You may also visit for more information.

Regional Accreditation

ɫƵ is regionally accredited by the New England Association of Schools and College, Inc., a regional accrediting body recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education. The University has been continuously accredited since 1966, and its accreditation was last reaffirmed in 2007.