Max Cohen ’20
I was cradled in the arms of my big comfy chair in the living room, computer on my lap, sweating, and unfortunately socially distanced from most of my loved ones. I tuned in to see my incredible, and highly attractive, class officers and friends give delightful toasts to our class on the Match Day live stream. My little sister ran downstairs and yelled for my dad to come join from his home office. Momma was at work. I was luckily able to pop some champagne with the Lads via FaceTime afterward.
I was very nervous. For me, I think it was essentially the first and last anxiously anticipated release of anything in medical school that is of real substance – i.e. not just a grade or a number.
I had such mixed emotions because I liked each of my different top programs for different reasons, but overall I think I felt a sense of relief. All of these years of hard work seemingly manifested in a single email. One of the things that really stood out the most, emotionally, was just how lucky I was to be able to train so close to my family and friends. Like many of my classmates, I made plenty of calls and sent lots of texts and emails and of course shared the exciting news with Facebook.