Krysten T. Gorrivan, M.S. Ed.
Krysten Gorrivan is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Education Department. Krysten teaches several education courses: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment; Teaching Science, K-8; Teaching Math, K-8; Trauma Responsive Education; Inclusive Classroom Management; and Inclusive Methods and Data-Based Decision Making. Krysten was an elementary educator for over fifteen years, focusing on the social and emotional needs of individual students in order to reach students academically. She has a passion for implementing trauma-informed educational practices in order to create safe and inclusive environments for students with a variety of needs. Krysten is eager to share her expertise around curriculum development, her knowledge around researched-based best practices, and her passion for educating the whole child with students at the University of New England.
Board Certifications and Licenses
Literacy Specialist Certification