A. Christine Brown, Ph.D.
Current research
Studying hormonal regulation of smoltification in anadromous Arctic charr, at the Norwegian College of Fisheries, University of Troms脙赂, Norway.
Selected publications
Brown AC (2006) Effect of natural and laboratory diet on O:N ratio in juvenile lobsters (Homarus americanus), Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A - Molecular and Integrative Physiology 144/1: 93-97;
Brown AC, McReynolds SA (2000) Community and environmental compatibility in the York river watershed, York, Maine - A project-based, interdisciplinary service-learning course, Life, Learning, and Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Biology, Brubaker D, Ostroff J (eds.), American Association of Higher Education;
Brown AC, Terwilliger NB (1999) Developmental changes in oxygen uptake in Cancer magister (Dana) in response to changes in salinity and temperature, Journal of Experimental Marine Biological Ecology 241: 179-192;
Brown AC, Terwilliger NB (1998) Ontogeny of hemocyanin function in the Dungeness crab Cancer magister: Hemolymph modulation of hemocyanin oxygen-binding, Journal of Experimental Biololgy 201: 819-826.
Research interests
Osmotic and ionic regulation and metabolism of crustaceans and fish; physiological ecology of marine invertebrates and fish; respiratory physiology