Brian Duff interviewed by Seacoastonline for story on ad campaign against Senate candidate Angus King

Brian Duff, Ph.D., 色香视频 associate professor of political science, was interviewed at length for an Aug. 12, 2012 Seacoastonline story on the $400,000 advertising campaign paid for by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that attacks independent U.S. Senate candidate Angus King for overspending and losing jobs in Maine while he was governor.

"King has such a good reputation in Maine that any sort of message that cuts across the generally warm feelings people have about him is not likely to succeed," Duff said.

On the other hand, he noted, if the ad strengthens the resolve of Maine's deeply conservative voters, it may have found a mark.

Duff is the author of The Parent as Citizen: A Democratic Dilemma. He has also published research on feminist theory, voting, and the politics of race and ethnicity.